{Culture, politics, religion, global interest, ethics}

Monday, April 04, 2005

Outside looking in

Jerry Bowyer comments:
Terri Schiavo died for one simple and tragic reason: The wrong people are in charge of our cultural and judicial institutions. Servants of the culture of death were inside the courthouse wearing robes and making decisions or carrying notebooks and writing the coverage. Servants of the culture of life were outside the courthouse carrying placards and kneeling in prayer. If their positions had been reversed, Terri would be living, breathing and receiving much-needed therapy. Terri died because, for the most part, we're activists and for the most part they're leaders. We are morally informed activists, dedicated to truth and life, but of limited judicial and public relations competence. They are extremely skilled in lawand media, and barbaric in moral code.

Jesus told the Parable of the Unjust Steward to teach the lesson that,'...the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.' What was true in that generation is also true in ours, so either we smarten up, or our cultural drift deepens and more innocents will die horribly.
Overstated, but not by much.